Thursday, 30 August 2012

How Easily Hacker Steal Your Personal Information

Today computers and humans can not be separated. Almost everyday human make interaction with computers (computer also includes: tablet PCs, smart phones, etc.) but not everyone is aware of the danger of cyber crime.

To raise the awareness of cyber crime in order to make people more aware and more be careful to do any activity and transactions that they do on the internet, below is short and interesting video about how hacker as a cyber criminal steal your data easily.

courtesy of Uploaded by  

To protect yourself against hacker attack you can start from raising your concern on online data protection and security, then you can define the steps that need to be taken to prevent your self from hacker attack.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Online defamation in online security and privacy

Generally, defamation is a false and unprivileged statement of fact that is harmful to someone's reputation, and published "with fault," meaning as a result of negligence or malice. Online defamation is the defamation or slandering of a business’s or person’s reputation on the World Wide Web. Slandering in here is a defamatory statement expressed in a transitory medium, such as verbal speech. It is considered a civil injury, as opposed to a criminal offence.
Further concern of online defamation would be cyberstalking, It has been defined as the use of information and communications technology, particularly the Internet, by an individual or group of individuals, to harass another individual, group of individuals, or organization.
The behavior in cyberstalking includes false accusations, monitoring, the transmission of threats, identity theft, damage to data or equipment, the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes, and gathering information for harassment purposes. The harassment must be such that a reasonable person, in possession of the same information, would regard it as sufficient to cause another reasonable person distress.
How to protect our self against online defamation? If you use chat rooms, electronic boards, or student web pages, etc., post a disclaimer on your home page or an information sheet. This is to notify you that the material you may be accessing in chat rooms, bulletin boards, or unofficial web pages, etc., are not officially sponsored by Panola College. The United States Constitution rights of free speech apply to all the medium used. We disclaim all liability for data, information, or opinions expressed in these forms.”

Computer misuse in online security and privacy

Computer misuse means the use of computers in the manner neither intended nor authorized, and the use of a computer to facilitate an offence.
The person who misuse the computer with able to offence other computer for stealing password, privacy, and data from other computer user is one of the biggest cyber crime. This kind of issue we steal have to worry and aware from this kind of computer misuse. There are three points of types of computer misuse that I want to explain, cause of these are three points contain about online security and privacy thing:
Hacking is an unconstitutional person uses a Internet connection to get right of entry past security passwords or other security to see data stored on another computer.
Data misuse and unauthorized transfer or copying
Copying and prohibited transfer of data is rapid and simple by online computers and huge storage devices such as hard disks and memory sticks. Company research and written work, such as books, cannot be copied not including the exclusive rights holder's permission.
Identity and financial abuses
This topic includes misuse of stolen credit card numbers to get goods or services on the Internet, and use of computers in financial frauds.
With these three topics we should be careful of computer misuse in this cyber era, if there is some issue that makes you uncomfortable you may report it to cyber police which is now available in every country.

Symmetric encryption vs asymmetric encryption in multimedia communication

The principal aspects of the two encryption methods ( symmetric and Asymmetric key) are compared in the table below ( Reference Mohamed Abomhara, Khalifa, Othman  Zakaria Omar, Zaidan A. A, Zaidan B. B. and Alanazi, Hamdan O. (2010), Journal of Applied Sciences))  

Using symmetric key algorithms to secure online video streaming

Symmetric keys can provide confidentiality but they cannot perform authentication, because there is no way to prove through cryptography who had actually sent a message if two people are using the same key. The following are the advantage and disadvantage of using symmetric key systems to secure the online video streaming
  • It is much faster than asymmetric key systems.
  • Its security is dependent on the length of the key. With a large key size, the algorithm will be harder to break, because symmetric algorithms carry out relatively simplistic mathematical functions on the bits during the encryption and decryption processes.
  • It does not require much computing power.
  • It requires a secure mechanism to deliver the keys.
  • Each pair of users needs a unique key; if a user has N people to contact, then N secret keys must be maintained so that as the number of individuals increases, so does the number of keys.
  • Management of the symmetric keys can be problematic.
  •  Provides confidentiality but cannot authenticate, because the secret key is shared.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

An Overview of the suitability of using symmetric key to secure multimedia data

With the increasing and continuous use of digital communications on the internet in recent times, security is becoming more and more relevant and important. However, special and reliable security is required for the many digital applications available such as video conferencing, digital television and mobile TV. The classical techniques of data security are not appropriate for the current multimedia usage. This study addresses the current algorithm of multimedia encryption schemes that have been proposed in the literature and description of multimedia security. It is a comparative study between symmetric key encryption and asymmetric key encryption in achieving an efficient, flexible and secure video data. Mohamed Abomhara, Khalifa, Othman  Zakaria Omar, Zaidan A. A, Zaidan B. B. and Alanazi, Hamdan O. (2010), Journal of Applied Sciences) ( 

A review on multimedia communications cryptography

Now-a-days, Due to the repaid increasing and continuous use of multimedia communications on the internet, Security is becoming more and more relevant and important. However, special and reliable security is required for the many multimedia applications available such as video conferencing, digital television and mobile TV. The classical techniques of data security are not appropriate for the current multimedia usage. This study will presents the currently algorithm of multimedia encryption schemes that have been proposed in the literature and description the effectiveness of the multimedia security. It is a comparative study between symmetric key encryption and asymmetric key encryption in achieving an efficient, flexible and secure video data.
(Salem, Yasser, Mohamed Abomhara , Khalifa, Othman, Omer Zaidan, Aos Alaa Zaidan, and Bilal Bahaa (2011), Research Journal of Information Technology) (